2020. 1. 30. 14:48ㆍ카테고리 없음
Sentra Usahatama Jaya (SUJ) was established in 2003 with a PMA status to operate a Sugar Refinery in Cilegon, Banten, Indonesia.The company is owned by several local, as well as overseas shareholders; all of whom have achieved over 40 years of extensive experience in sugar industrial distribution and trading in Indonesia and other parts all around the world.PT.
Direksi Pt Sentra Usahatama Jaya
Loker Pt Sentra Usahatama Jaya
Pimpinan PT Sentra Usahatama Jaya Jakarta Perihal: Lamaran Pekerjaan Dengan Hormat, Berdasarkan informasi yang saya peroleh dari internet, PT Sentra Usahatama Jaya membuka beberapa lowongan pekerjaan. Dengan surat lamaran kerja ini saya bermaksud melamar kerja sebagai Office Boy di PT Sentra Usahatama Jaya. Sentra Usahatama Jaya jobs. Qontak.com provides business contact information and company profiles to help companies with their sales and marketing.